Closed Winter Break

Food Services

Thank you for visiting Tri-County's Food Services web page!  

Full Nondiscrimination Statement

To see a particular school's breakfast and lunch menu please click on the "Lunch/Breakfast Menu" tab under the Students and Parents tab for your student's school.

Breakfast is available Mon-Fri, 7:45 am to 8:10 am, at all three of Tri-County's schools.  Prices are as follows:

$1.45 for full pay students
$0.30 for reduced meal students
And FREE for Free meal students

Hot Lunch Prices for the elementary students are $3.10 per day and $3.20 per day for Grades 7-12. Reduced lunches are $0.40 at all schools.

Parents Guide to Offer vs Serve

TCSC Meal Policy

TCSC Wellness Policy

Local School Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment

LinQ Connect FAQ - English

LinQ Connect FAQ - Español

If you need to apply for FREE & REDUCED LUNCHES, please click on one of the links below for instructions. Then click on the Lunch Application link for the printable paper application.

Free & Reduced Lunch Application Instructions - English

Instrucciones para la Solicitud de Almuerzo Gratis o Reducido - Español

Free and Reduced Application - English

Solicitud gratuita y reducida - Español

Online Free/Reduced application via LinQ Connect

Corporation Office

Corporation Office

Tri-County School Corporation
105 N. 2nd St.
Wolcott, IN 47995

Mr. Patrick Culp, Superintendent
Voice: 219-279-2418
Fax: 219-279-2242
Tri-County Jr/Sr HS

Tri-County Jr/Sr HS

Tri-County Jr.-Sr. HS
11298 W 100 S
Wolcott, IN 47995

J. R. Haskins, Principal
Shawn McCracken, Assistant Principal
Voice: 219-279-2105
Fax: 219-279-2108
Tri-County Intermediate

Tri-County Intermediate

Tri-County Intermediate
200 W. North St.
Wolcott, IN 47995

Katherine Pearson, Principal
Voice: 219-279-2138
Fax: 219-279-2026
Tri-County Primary

Tri-County Primary

Tri-County Primary
300 E. Michigan St.
Remington, IN 47977

Elaine Hall, Principal
Voice: 219-261-2214
Fax: 219-261-2221
Closed Winter Break